Use your investments to drive change

Together with 100 registered shareholders, we can put resolutions to Australian companies. Registration is easy, costs you nothing and we don’t need access to your shares. Just bring your entity name, address, the last 3 digits of your Holder Identification Number (HIN) and a list of companies you hold.

ACCR Agency Agreement

Terms and conditions of our Agency Agreement for supporting shareholder resolutions.

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Financial Advisors

You can help your clients align their listed company investments with their views on ESG.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to some frequently asked questions to help you better understand how you can support ACCR's work as a shareholder.

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Highlights of 2022

A snapshot of ACCR’s efforts and impact over the last year. Without all of you, this work is not possible.

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Highlights of 2023

Here are some of the highlights of ACCR’s efforts and impact over this year. Without all of you, this work is not possible.

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Highlights of 2024

Some of the highlights of ACCR’s work, and most critically, our impact this year.

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Useful Resources

Some useful resources to download and share with your family, friends, clients and colleagues.

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